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Medical Marijuana – A Boon or a Bane?

Research Paper on Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana has been getting quite a bit of press in recent years as a way to treat all kinds of health issues, from glaucoma to rage disorders. There are people on both sides of the issue who feel strongly one way or the other. Before you make a choice about which side you will take, it's a good idea to understand the issue and how it affects you and your community. Legalizing marijuana might seem like the answer, but it could also cause more problems. Here's evidence for both sides to help you decide which side to take.

Using medical marijuana has been the subject of many research papers and you will find all kinds of evidence for and against it. One of the primary reasons that people want to legalize medical marijuana is because of its potential to improve the quality of life for cancer patients. The very nature of marijuana helps quell cancer patient's nausea and increases their appetite at the same time. This can dramatically improve a person's overall health as they undergo cancer treatment. Eating a varied and healthy diet not only keeps a cancer patient feeling good, but it can also help them battle the disease.

Cancer isn't the only health condition that shows promise in terms of treatment. Researchers have found that marijuana can help control the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy as well as helping people wean off of traditional narcotic painkillers, which prevents addiction and the issues that go with it. Another research paper shares evidence that medical marijuana can help people suffering from chronic pain. There are several ways to take marijuana and it has a dramatic impact on people living with pain by lessening the discomfort and improving the overall quality of life.

Adults aren't the only ones who can benefit from a medical marijuana routine. Much evidence proves that it's effective in childhood disorders as well. Of particular note are kids who have epilepsy disorders. Statistics from Stanford University Medical Center prove that child participants were relieved of a large number of their symptoms when using medical marijuana. In some instances, the seizures stopped completely. For other children, medical marijuana can help improve symptoms of sleep disorders, mood problems and increased alertness.

On the other hand of the issue are several problems that opponents to legal medical marijuana want to keep at the forefront of the argument. One is the health risk of smoking marijuana. While some experts say the risk is negligible, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that the smoke contains certain irritants that can lead to respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis or asthma.

Many drug opponents feel that marijuana is often a "gateway drug" to harder and more dangerous illicit drugs. Many experts will tell you that marijuana addiction isn't possible, but other research says it's entirely possible and can lead to a tolerance that leaves users seeking out stronger substances as their bodies become acclimated to the effects of marijuana. When it's used medically, the concern is that the person would be trading one problem for another, namely addiction. Because the legalization of medical marijuana makes it easier to get, the issue of using other drugs could become a problem for some people.

Finally, there is still a limited amount of research on using medical marijuana, particularly among pediatric patients. Without repeated results, it can be hard to determine if using marijuana is in fact helpful. There have been some detrimental side effects on record, especially among children, which makes many medical personnel and parents cautious about its use, despite the potential for benefits. Until more research is completed, it's a good idea to weigh the pros and cons carefully before adding medical marijuana to your treatment plan.

Medical marijuana probably isn't something that can replace your traditional modes of treatment, but it's worth talking over with a doctor to see if it could be used in conjunction with them. Now it's up to you to decide. Is legalized medical marijuana a good thing or a bad thing? It certainly has the potential to change communities and make lives different. The trick is deciding whether the pros are worth the risk of the cons.